HomeNews and AnnouncementsWhat Is All This Planning and Zoning Buzz That is Going Around Congress Park?


What Is All This Planning and Zoning Buzz That is Going Around Congress Park? — 1 Comment

  1. Hi Rod,
    I’m a former President of CPN. I appreciate the April 19 mtg, and Chris Hinds’ presence there, and CPN’s work on the revised nbrhd plan. I have a few thoughts re the plan, some linked to our efforts 20 years ago:
    1. Might upzoning along Colfax be CONTINGENT on successful implementation of the Colfax (and Col Blvd & nbrhd) traffic plan?
    2. Re the 1960s high density intrusions on the “fabric” of areas between 12th & 14th….what is the Plan’s strategy for remedying/ameliorating past damage?
    3. Might “traffic calming” along 12th be enhanced by a (even narrow) landscaped median?
    4. How can the nbrhd be better protected from intrusions from intensive development east of Colorado Blvd?
    5. Might it be possible to actually REDUCE daily auto traffic along 6th & 8th, and 13th & 14th?
    6. Could the north & east borders of the reservoir be a walking circuit from Congress Park & back?